Thursday 25 October 2012

Heavy Duty Slides - The Problems of Brinelling

A major problem for Fleet Managers, Engineers and operational teams when using heavy duty slides in their applications is when a material surface failure, caused by contact stress, exceeds the material limit.

On a practical level surface on surface wear causes permanent denting or 'brinelling' and this will cause operational failure.  In addition to the brinelling effect, heavy duty slides can also suffer from 'fretting' and 'false brinelling', which is caused the friction-wear of components caused by minute oscillation, which displaces the beam material and grease to block movement.  When this happens the speed of wear to key components accelerates.

The major factor causing brinelling is caused by shock and vibration and regular use in extreme conditions.  From a manufacturing point of view, brinelled slides are a major problem and the only preventative action is the quality of the heavy duty slide in the first place.  Buy cheap, buy twice, comes to mind, but there are many engineers and fleet managers who, having their budgets restricted, have chosen a cheaper alternative, much to their later disappointment.

There are a number of Heavy duty slide manufacturers out there, Accuride and Thomas Ragu, but having done extensive research we've found that Chambrelan's heavy duty slides are easy to fit, easy to maintain and due to their manufacturing techniques and materials used, reduce the the stress and shock that extensive hard use causes.

Chambrelan's steel slides use cold drawn steel section and come in a range of different lengths and strengths and have an extensive range.

However should you have already bought slides, then there are a couple of things you can do to minimise the risk.  Getting the right size and fitting it into the right space envelope is essential and also using the slide to it's full extension will improve the life cycle of the slide.


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    1. Sorry, which ones? For all Chambrelan products you can call directly 01746 783 972 or visit their website

      hope that helps
